Close feedback loop like Contractor Foreman

featureOS is a feedback aggregation and analysis platform for product teams like Contractor Foreman.

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With featureOS, customers of Contractor Foreman are now able to post their feedback and based on status changes, the items get sent to ClickUp using the included integration.

— Steven Gabbard

How featureOS helped Contractor Foreman


Before moving to featureOS, we had a difficult time understanding which features were most important to our customers. Our customers provided great feedback but the system we were using didn’t suggest similar requests to them and this often caused us to have many very similar request from multiple people.

Because we use ClickUp to manage all of our development changes, there was a disconnect between the suggestion that was made on our feedback site and the feature that was added to ClickUp and eventually implemented. This disconnect made it very challenging for us to track which features had been implemented and which ones had not.

As a result, our customers got the impression that we were not reading their request because of the status not changing. Keeping the feedback site updated ended up being a very tiring process that was full of errors and we knew that there had to be a better way. So we begin looking for something different.

We tried the better known options but the products and the teams were not the best fit for us. We thought about building our own system but we knew that our focus needed to be on our own product.


As soon as I found featureOS I knew that it had the potential to be a game changer for us. Since I had already tried most everything else, I was hoping that I was right - and I was! Not only is the price right, but the product is clean and intuitive and easy to use. Their frequent updates mean that it continues to get better. featureOS has been the perfect choice for us.

With featureOS, customers of Contractor Foreman are now able to post their feedback and based on status changes, the items get sent to ClickUp using the included integration.

Customers are notified with each status update so that means that they are always in the loop on what is happening. Once a feature is implemented and the task is Closed in ClickUp, the request in featureOS is updated and set to Completed. No longer do we have to remember to change the status of both systems. This saves us several hours per week and it provides our customers with a better experience.

Now, instead of them feeling like they are posting suggestions to an unmonitored suggestion box, they are spending more time providing better details because they know that the suggestions are read, considered, and updated.

If your product is like ours and weighs heavy on customer feedback to help guide development, I strongly encourage you to start a trial of featureOS. It has been a game-changer for Contractor Foreman and we are glad to work with featureOS as we both work to provide a tool that meets the needs of most companies at a price that all can afford.