What's new: Plausible & Fathom Analytics Integrations

Karthik Kamalakannan
Karthik Kamalakannan Founder and CEO

Starting today, you can now integrate your Plausible (opens in new tab) or Fathom (opens in new tab) analytics to your feedback portal on FeatureOS.

Analytics platform that respects user data privacy have been on the rise for a while now, and both Plausible and Fathom lead the way in this area. If you are one of the users of either Plausible or Fathom analytics, this one is for you.

You will find the option to configure your Plausible and Fathom analytics under your Organization Settings on Admin Dashboard.

Read these knowledge base articles to learn more:

  1. How to integrate Plausible analytics on FeatureOS? (opens in new tab)
  2. How to integrate Fathom analytics on FeatureOS? (opens in new tab)

Both Plausible and Fathom analytics are available for users on all plans. We hope you will gain some more value from FeatureOS with these integrations.

Next week, we have some big upgrades coming up for all of your FeatureOS (opens in new tab) accounts. Until then, enjoy using FeatureOS & create great magical products ✨

P.S.: This post was first published on FeatureOS’s Changelog ↗ (opens in new tab)